mercredi 20 août 2014


Cost of Living in China

Formerly very low, the cost of living in China for several years has been a steady rise. However, it is always possible to arrange a trip to china in terms of its budget , however limited it may be.
The most expensive destinations include Hong Kong , Macau, Beijing, Shangai , Guangzhou, is the coastal provinces and special economic zones (SEZs). Beijing and Shanghai can be particularly expensive.
It is strongly advised to compare products and prices in order to get a quick idea of the current rates and not jump on the first shop visit. Prefer frequented by Chinese stores remains a good solution to ensure prices are not excessive.


The accommodation is the largest share of the travel budget. In China, it is easy to find accommodation at a lower cost but you often leave out the comfort .
Staying in a dorm is a practice moreand more common. Friendly and very good market, dormitories although often summary experiencing a real hit with travelers backpack. About 7 euros you can enjoy a comfortable bed or not and shared facilities.
In cities without housing dorm, you can opt for a double room (single rare) charged 160 yuan (15 to 20 euros) in major cities (see our escapades in Hong Kong , Yangshuo orFenghuang )
For an average budget, you can aspire to a little more comfort and prefer a room at the price of Y 240 (about 30 euros).
A luxury meanwhile course require a much larger budget . For example, a 5-star hotel in a big city can offer a double room for a sum of up to 300 euros per night.
Hotel Fenghuang
A hotel room in Fenghung


Travel in China does not produce very large expenditures regardless of the budget traveler.
For short distances, the bus is very interesting with a cost of about 2 yuan per trip (30 cents). The metro is also a means of transportation not to skimp. Fast and with very little waiting, the trip will not exceed 5 yuan (60 cents). The taxi was he admittedly a bit more expensive but still very affordable. Difficult to give an average price but for example, a 20 minute ride does not cost more than 30 yuan (4 euros).
For trips longer distance, you can choose the bus is by far the cheapest. 4 hour trip, you will manage with an amount less than 15 euros (see From Zhangjiajie Fenghuang ).
The process is also a way to get around easily without necessarily have a big budget. Prices vary depending on the trains and the distance but to give you an idea about, we did 1600km on hard seat (27 hours) for the bargain price of 226 yuan, or about 25 euros (see this fabulous journey Zhangjiajie-Beijing ). The price of the same trip in a sleeper train arises as to him fifty euros.
For the aircraft , it also depends flights but through the country between Beijing and Guangzhou involves expenses of about 150 to 200 euros (see our flight Beijing-Guangzhou ).
The journey by train  , inexpensive, returns on average two times cheaper than flying. This last mode of transport is expensive, but discounts are common and travelers who have little time will have no other option to cover long distances .

Train Chine
A Zhangjiajie train - Beijing



Food remains cheap in the country, and the most efficient will spend 40 Yuan (5 euros) per day. For restaurants a bit more upscale, a meal may be between 40 yuan to 80 yuan per person (5-10 euros). If you do not swear by against by very luxurious restaurants to tickle your taste buds, it often takes more than 60 euros.
For travelers with homesickness and lack of western food , the major cities usually offer a wide selection of Western restaurants for all budgets but often reasonable for a medium budget (from 8 to 20 euros for a meal for two people).

Chinese Food
A typical meal in Guangdong

Haggling in China

Haggling is a game for Chinese traders. Feel free to drop base prices, you'd be surprised at the savings resulting therefrom.
If you're not very comfortable with the local currency, do not make a brake. Take your time to do the conversion and offer your price , traders are in no hurry and like to play.
With a little ingenuity and vigilance, travelers who do not have a big budget will fare very well, even in Beijing and Shanghai.
The frequent haggling although China is not allowed everywhere. sure to select your store  : Avoid shopping outlets and promote street vendors.
Hunan market
A market in Hunan

Travelling by bus or bicycle (rather than taxi), eating in the street or in small restaurants and refrain from any unnecessary expense you can live for about 200 yuan (€ 25) per day.
The western and interior regions remain relatively cheap . Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, Gansu, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet are the favorite destinations for travelers on a budget, which will have no trouble to lodge and eat cheaply.

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