mardi 26 août 2014

Places to visit in the city of Beijing

The 10 most amazing monuments of the capital:

The place Tian' anmen 天安门广场:

Heart of political capital, the place Tian' anmen is the greatest place in the world. It is this place from the People's Republic Of China was founded by Mao Zedong on October 1st, 1949. Tian' anmen is also the popular parades how was organized 60ème for the birthday of the foundation of the country on October 1st.
Bordered on the East-West ends by buildings in the Soviet architecture whose palace in the House of the people, the place has a nice, cold look what impresses the visitor.
The center of the place is occupied by the Mausoleum of Mao by the door of heavenly peace, decorated the portrait of the Great Helmsman, close the place on on the north side while giving to the Forbidden City. Two ceremonies are held every day at this place with the rising sun and the respectively for raising and removing the national flag. At the scene the monuments interesting to visit is next:
The door of heavenly peace 天安门:

(Good): SNorth of the place Tian' anmen door, this is probably the most interesting to visit. You can go up to the top of the door to enjoy the old ornaments and a lovely view of the anmen Tian' place. Introduction videos are also present.
Business hours: 8h30-16h30
Entrance fee: 15RMB + 6RMB (Training) optional
How to go:? Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong?
The door Duan 端门:

(Good): SLess impressive than the door of heavenly peace Duan, the door is interesting, though, because he has an exhibition of pictures on the Peking man.
Business hours: 8h30-16h30
Entrance fee: 10RMB
How to get there? : Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong can not go in the direction of the north.
Doors to the front 前门:

(Good): SIn the south of the place Tian' anmen, the doors of the front were built in the Ming dynasty and have a different view of the place and Tian' anmen surrounding area. The greatest two doors is high of 40m.
Business hours: 8h30-16h
Entrance fee: 10RMB
How to go:? Subway line 2, Qianmen station?
The mausoleum of Mao Zedong 毛主席纪念堂:

(Good): SYou can see the mummified remains of the Great Helmsman who is exposed in a box of glass. You are going to have to find you if you visit this place as disrespect. Take care of the bags in the building on the other side of the street is a mausoleum.
Business hours: every day - 11h30 8:30, closed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of 14:00 open to 16:00 in July except - August.
Entrance fee: free + + 5RMB instructions 10RMB bags
How to go:? Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong or by subway line 2, Qianmen station then to go towards the center of the room.
Monument to the heroes of the people 人民英雄纪念碑:

Interest (S) :O bélisque 37,90m of high on the place at the south end of the door of heavenly peace, this monument present from the patriotic historical facts.
Price: free
How to go:? Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong?
The Forbidden City 故宫:

(Good): SThe Forbidden City is the monument from Beijing to be visited. Sheltering for over 500 years the emperors of China dynasties for the Ming and Qing, this gigantic succession of palace gardens doors and was told the people for the whole kingdom of the two dynasties. It certainly took a day to visit him totally.
You will find in particular the palaces of the supreme Harmony, the average Harmony and preserved the Harmony, the palace of the Union and the palace of the heavenly purity and very surprising room on the Record that has an amazing collection masterpieces. The Forbidden City is delimited by the Door of the South to the south and over the door of my military Engineering north. You can also walk you in the imperial Garden (7000m2). North of the Forbidden City, you can continue your walk towards the Beihai park.
Business hours: 8h30-16h00 from May to September 8:30, from October to April 15h30 -
Entrance fee: 60RMB (From April 1st to October 31st) 40RMB, from November 1st to March 31st ()
How to get there? : Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong can not pass under the portrait of Mao and to lead you to the north.Walk about 150 meters and the entrance is right in front of you. The tickets are caught front door on the left.
The Summer Palace 颐和园:

(Good): SOne of the major places from Beijing to be visited. The Summer Palace was the home of summer of the emperor and his court under the Qing dynasty. The vastness of the lake Kunming and the park need at least a half a day for a visit.
Business hours: 8h30-17h00
Entrance fee: 60RMB (From April 1st to October 31st) 50RMB, from November 1st to March 31st ()
How to go:? Subway line 4, Beigongmen station 300m then go about to arrive at the north entrance to the Summer Palace.
The Temple of heaven 天坛:

(Good): SIn the south of Beijing, the Temple of heaven is a beautiful temple built under the Ming dynasty. Symbol of the capital, the Temple of heaven is quite vast site that was once mainly to the prayer for the good crops.
Business hours: 8h00-18h00 (website) 6:00, 21h.() park
Entrance fee: 30RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 5, Dongmen Tiantan station
The Temple of Spangled 雍和宫:

(Good): SThe Buddhist temple the Tibetan most famous from Beijing. The Pekinese we come to mass to apply for the weekend there by depositing incense sticks. Smell the incense, the architecture and the multitude of this place have a magical place.
Business hours: 9h00-16h00
Entrance fee: 25RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 2, Lama Temple Yonghegong station
The Temple of Confucius and the imperial college 孔庙:

(Good): SLocated near the Temple of Spangled this temple, less dramatic than his neighbor is a place for those who can not stand any more the crowd of the Temple of Spangled. The park and relaxing is a nice stop after a long day of work.
Business hours: 8h30-17h00
Entrance fee: 20RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 2, Lama Temple Yonghegong station
Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园:

(Good): SOld Summer palace destroyed by the French, the British in Opium war (1856-1860), the ruins of Yuanmingyuan was once a king and a park with the European architecture that had been built Qianlong by the emperor. Symbol of the decline of China and the west powers under the Qing dynasty, this place is a wound for lots of Chinese. The items that were stolen by the French and British troops have claimed today by China in particular the auctions. The park is a place much less than that of the Summer Palace is nice to take a walk.
Business hours: 7h00-19h00
Entrance fee: 10RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 4, Yuanmingyuan station
Tricks of the drum and the bell 鼓楼 钟楼:

(Good): SCrazy on the phone of the centuries, the two towers to see many reproductions especially drums. However, the view of the hutongs and information on this historic place in Beijing are worth the detour.
Business hours: 9h-16h30
Entrance fee: 30RMB
How to get there? : Bus line 5.58 or 107 Gulou, stop. line 2 subway stop Guloudajie out B then go south for 500m about and you arrive at the towers.
The cathedral of East 东堂:

(Good): SThis little church is not worth only with her movement but if you are on the way to the Wangfujing street, then it will probably cause and pretty your curiosity about what you are doing up there.
Business hours: 06h30-19h00 Monday to Saturday of the 06:30, 20h00 - Sunday
Entrance fee: free
How to get there? : Subway line 1, Wangfujing station. Go to the north and still get in the big shopping district. After about 300 feet, to the right, you will see the church.
The mosque of the street of the beef 牛街礼拜寺:

Interest (S) :P read the mosque in town, this monument built in the 10th century is a mixture between muslim architectures and Chinese. If the prayer room is reserved for the Muslims, the rest of the mosque can be visited. Put clothes with long legs and arms. Women can go without a problem.
Business hours: 08h until sunset.
Entrance fee: free for Muslims 10RMB, not for the Muslims
How to go: Address: Niu Jie 88. Bus 6 and 10 stops Niu Jie Liubaisi or. Subway line 4, Caishikou station then go west on Guang' anmennei dajie 500m before turning left then go 100m.
: Peking around

The Great Wall 长城:

(Good): STo visit Beijing without going to the Great Wall, it is kind of like going to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Destination impossible to go around, the Great Wall is just human building the longest ever built. Even if, as opposed to the legend, the Great Wall can not be seen from space. the work, with its 5000 miles long across, apart from Beijing, the provinces, from Hebei Liaoning, Mongolia- Ningxia Inside, and Gansu. The wall is starting in the west in Gansu in the city of Jiayuguan 嘉峪关 to end up facing the sea with Shanhaiguan 山海关 in the province of Liaoning.
Many sites of the Great Wall with Beijing are open to the public.
Badaling 八达岭 慕田峪 Mutianyu and are tourist comprising portions renovated and accessible by telpher (carrier round-trip 50RMB) for the people who would have difficulty walking. If you prefer to the more and more authentic sites, so Simatai 司马台 金山岭 Jinshanling and are made for you. The last two sites are connected to each other and it is possible to combine both of course by paying two tickets. The distance covered to connect Jinshanling Simatai is about ten miles. One section, much less of all is Huanghua 黄花. But be careful because the police does not allow his sometimes to visitors. Many ways to the Great Wall.A tank broke up two sections. To find a way, locate the buildings that are going to try to get you money by pretending to be the owners of the way that you are going to use to go on the Great Wall. Best not to talk to them and a bullet in my head. There is little chance for them to have the courage to prevent you from across the border.
Every year, hundreds of tourists let you try on a campsite on the Great Wall. Just so you know, camping on the Great Wall is formally against the authorities that will not hesitate to make you pay a fine whose amount will be random.
Business hours: Badaling: 6h-22h () summer, 7:00 18h.() winter; Mutianyu: 6h30-17h30; And Jinshanling Simatai: 8h-17h Huanghua: no schedule.
Entrance fee: Badaling: 40RMB Jinshanling: 50RMB Mutianyu: 40RMB Simatai: 40RMB Huanghua: free
How to get there? :

Badaling 八达岭: Subway line 2, Jishuitan station 500m then go to the east until you reach a monument that you are going to see on your left: the Deshengmen door. To go north of the door and find the bus stop n°919. Take the bus until Badaling (5-10RMB).
Mutianyu 慕田峪: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take the bus n°916 (direct, 15RMB) or the bus until Huairou n°936 怀柔 (5RMB) so take a van until Mutianyu (25RMB). Arrived at Huairou, many undeclared taxis will jump on you to take you to the Great Wall.You do not let him, get out of the bus station and go to the first corner, make a right and the stop for the van is about 100m from there. When in doubt, ask for your way with an employee of a store for example. You can use the next sentence:
Simatai 司马台: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take a direct van until Simatai (20RMB).
Jinshanling 金山岭: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take a bus to Miyun 密云 (8RMB) then take a bus to Gubeikou (7RMB) and go down Bakeshiying.
Huanghua 黄花: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take the direct bus n°961 (8RMB) and ask us to drop you in Huanghuacheng 黄花城. There are two buses in the morning and two buses in the afternoon. Watch out, the last bus home with leaves Beijing Huanghua 14:30 at.
The Graves Ming:

(Good): STo visit the funerals of the 3 more famous emperors of the Ming dynasty. To enjoy the architecture and ornaments of the graves.
Business hours: 8h-17h30
Price: Ding Ling: 60RMB (Peak season, 40RMB) () low season. Chang Ling: 45RMB (Peak season, 30RMB) () low season. Zhao Ling: 30RMB (Peak season, 20RMB) () low season.
How to get there? : Subway line 2, Jishuitan station 500m then go to the east until you reach a monument that you are going to see on your left: the Deshengmen door.So just take the bus n°345 Dongguan Changping until then change bus and take a bus to the Ming tombs.

top 10 chinese cities to visit

A long story, and pluralism the conveniences of the everyday
Beijing is not the capital of China, but also the political cultural center, and international trade with China. You could say it is the Chinese town where human resources are focused and richest. Here, people can not only know the various cultural ones, but also China diversity, lead a rich, rainbow life. Great Wall, historical monuments pluralism, and the opening. For foreigners, Beijing was able to harmonize modern and traditional culture, but also had a chance for a quick no-limit growth and change. This town is just a point of meeting in history today and tomorrow.

Internationalization, the opening, fashion and the new
As an economic center, financial, commercial and navigation to Shanghai, China has full benefits in natural resources, cultural and human. Shanghai is the Chinese town where we find the most high-level foreign talents. In 2010, Shanghai could have the world's Fair. Through this opportunity, the city showed the world her beauty and charm and its dynamism. Foreigners qualified this city of modern, “international, open, popular and innovative. And a good line of law and order, the people are nice.

The combination to the oriental style and Westerner
Strangers who were in Tianjin had a particular impression on this town. So this town at the same time is the charm of the Western style and Chinese features.


Special economic zone and the fast évoultion in Shenzhen
As one of the economic special zones Shenzhen, China ever became the most important part of high technology, financial, computer and trade centre in the south of China, as well as a tourist destination of China. “The quick change in Shenzhen” surprised a lot of people.

A gathering of talent and a great development potential
Wuhan is a scientific, educational base important in China. The intellectual resources there are very focused. The city has 59 government academicians, 100 scientific research institutes labs, 22 level of national universities and 79. The area of the new technology from Wuhan Donghu is the second model area of the new independent of national level.

Business and the creation of the company
For foreigners, Guangzhou is a town developed for the business, where the atmosphere of commerce is very present. Guangzhou people are so good, and it is an ideal city in China to do business or to create companies for foreigners.As one of the key Chinese cities in the area of the economy, Guangzhou has several policies support to lure the talents and experts. The city intends to recruit and support 300 leaders of the commercial and mediums innovation in the 5 to 10, by granting to the leaders of business support fund for the creation of companies from 1 to 5 yuan, investment action million to the maximum of 5 million yuan, ready bonus point of maximum one million yuan and free job from 100 to 500 m2. For the leaders of the middle of the innovation, grant Guangzhou expenses of looking for an amount of maximum of 500,000 yuan (2 million yuan for the academicians) offers and set a preference that experts savor the full rights of decision.


Clean, alone, traditional and modern
Suzhou is a cultural city that enough of an international reputation. Since the beginning of time, you give them the name of earthly paradise “” and “” Eastern Venice. His counties Kunshan Zhangjiaguang, Changshu Wujiang Taicang and all are ranked among the first ten places in the prize of the hundred most powerful counties in China. The industrial park of Suzhou is also a leader of national parks in China. Now, the number of experts and administrative including foreign and hong kong and Macau, Taiwan that live in Suzhou reached 51,000.For them, Suzhou is a pleasant place to live and work that has a lot of trees and gardens.

Big city of western China where she makes good things in life
In 2009 Chongqing, threw the project “enforcement measures to Chongqing high-level 100 foreign talents” on purpose to bring to work in the city 100 high-level talents for 5 years. For those who will sign a contract for over 5 years at the company, the government will grant a family grant one million yuan. In 2011, the office of foreign experts from Chongqing allowed 400 permissions from work of foreign experts residing at Chongqing and awarded 515 new cards of foreign experts. Thanks to a relative cost of life and low with a culture of more and more strong consumption, Chongqing is regarded by strangers as the town where he does more good things in life.

Green, quiet and practical city
By evoking Xiamen words, the most mentioned by probed “are green, clean, Chinese features and comfortable transportation.

Prosperity and beauty exist together in the convenience
Hangzhou is the biggest city in the province of Zhejiang. It is also a major city in the south of the delta Yangtsé of the region, the richest in the south of China and political, economic center, cultural and the scientist in Zhejiang province. As a famous historic town and Chinese cultural Hangzhou is called the “first city in the southeast of China.“There is Paradise in heaven. And on earth there is Suzhou and Hangzhou. This famous Chinese expression testified deep appreciation to the old days and days on this beautiful city. According to the investigation, Hangzhou is regarded by strangers as a good town for work and the daily life.

chinese languages

81 languages were raised in China. Han, the national language, is one of the most spoken language in the world. In China, 55 national minorities use their own language and qualifications on several levels, han. Of some minorities we use several languages.
Among the 81 spoke languages in China 49 bear the same name as the nationality who really use: han, zhuang buyei, dai,… the other languages, is 32 have names, different from that of the nationality of the speakers. For example, more than 90,000 Tibetans gyarong use the like mother tongue.
Languages can be divided into dialects, under- dialects jargons and in. Generally dialectal, the distance that exist between the minority languages in the south of China are important. It is, to some extent, it is difficult for people who talk about such dialects to talk with them. The situation is different in the north dialectal differences look less marked it is more communication equipment.
The distance between two dialects of the same language can be wider than the one have established between two languages, that being related to the various levels of abstraction they convey, as is the case with most languages in China. For example, this buyei them can talk with those who talk zhuang about north. The distance between those two languages is less that exist between the dialects zhuang south and north.Yes, the criteria of classification of languages and the dialects are not just started at the distance between the languages and the dialects, but also on other complex conditions linked to the story, ethnic background, the evolution of nationality according to the language, the attitudes and the id from the motor of speech.
Languages of China are five families and eleven groups. The connection of languages have established in the next way:
The Tibetan sino- family matters 40 languages in China that can be subdivided into four groups:
Language - han (his status is equal to that of a bunch of languages in the classification of languages) is spoken by about 96% of the population.
- The band tibéto- Burmese understanding the Tibetans languages, gyarong cona, monba canglo, monba benghi-bogar, lhoba yidu lhoba darang, geman, deng deng, qiang, yi, naxi lahu, hani, bai, nusu jino anong, rouruo jingpo zaiwa, achang derung pumi, and tujia. About 1.2% of the Chinese people use the languages of the group tibéto- Burmese.
Zhuang-dong - the understanding type: languageszhuang buyei, dai, dong, shui mulan, maonan, Li, lakkia gelao and. 1.8% of the Chinese people use the languages of this band.
- The miao-yao group understanding languages miao, she, bunu mian and. There are 0.5% people talking about languages about this group.

The family compend altaïque 19 languages that can be subdivided three groups in:
- The Turkish group understanding languages: Uighur, Kyrgyz, Eastern Uzbek, tatar, salar yugur, and touva. We are counting 0.7% about public speaking languages about this group.
- The mongol group understanding the mongol languages daur monguor, dongxiang bao' yugur year and Western. We are counting 0.32% about public speaking languages about this group.
- The Manchu tungusie - understanding the Manchu languages, xibe hezhen, oroqen, evenki, and. There are 0.5% people talking about languages about this group.

The austronésienne family has 14 languages belonging to the same group:
The Indonesian - understanding group atayal languages, friends, paiwan bunun, rukai, puyuma, tsou sedeq saisiat, saaroa kanakanavu thao, yami, huihui. It is about 0,035% people speak languages about this group.

The Indo-European family means two languages that the next two groups are:
- The Iranian group, is the Tajik inhabitant of about 0.0023% of speech.
The Slavic group is Russian, about 0.0003% of speech.
The linguistic report from two languages can not be established. It is Korean and gin () Vietnamese who count on about 0,176% speaking.

lundi 25 août 2014

chinese tradition

prehistory Xia, the dynasty and the dynasty Shang- Yin
China regards himself as the center of the world. The west, with her two wings, the European each North-American we thought, in charge of the world and act like it. Couple of civilizations escaped the autocentrism: what is durable and powerful always looked for the universal domination. We will understand Chinese people pretend to be the Home of the Psychic (Zhongguo).
: Prehistory
A prehistoric ages, the first human events seem extremely diversified. For about forty years, the oldest human fossil that stayed in 1921 discovered in the hill of Tcheou-k' eou-tien near Peking () Beijing. In 1927, D Black assigned him to an ancestor of the Chinese man he named Sinanthropus pekinensis Sinanthrope “, Beijing,” or, more usually, “the Man from Beijing. The man from Beijing and his “old”, the man of Lantian, over 500,000 years of existence.
Then Neolithic age, China, like all other countries, was the theater upheavals great: birth and development of the culture, agricultural settlement of the population regrouping, of the residents in urban areas of increasing, polishing rocks to be used as tools, pottery, organization of the economic and social duties, development of religious designs. One of the most famous sites that gave his name to a culture is Yangshao on the Yellow river (Huanghe).To the confluence of the Yellow river and Wei river up themselves by nature's work of water, the layers of loess, an exceptional. The name “Yellow river” comes to him from the color he is kidding by these enormous amounts of loess. Settles the loess alluvial deposits in it creates could he show by a river that often runs over his own together. It is understood that floods, when break the dams, submerge the plain: people die a hundred thousands.
The dynasty of Xia: (2207 – 1766 before J.C 2207 – or 1558 before J.C).
According to legend, a series of sovereigns three and five emperors Xia before. We usually means the first of three sovereigns Fuxi, with his wife, who was also her sister Nugua, the goddess. Both have a human bust and tail of a dragon. We attributes Nugua to the creation of the human race from clay and the institution of marriage while Fuxi would have learned in Chinese hunting, fishing, and pet. Divinity with beef Shennong head would for his part have taught them the agriculture and the knowledge of the properties of the medicinal plants.
In the same way, we charge of the five emperors the contribution of some key elements of the Chinese culture. The first among them, Huang Di, would have given to the Chinese people the calendar harvest, boats, the armour and the pottery. A later emperor, Shun, invented the broom to be calligraphed. She is at her abdication in favour of Yu, Xia the first emperor, it started the dynastic rule.
According to many historians Xia, the dynasty really existed, but not in the form described by Chinese mythology. This dynasty would have stayed in power for nearly five years, until the old XVIII century middle J.C before. before sinking in corruption and be hit by Shang.
The dynasty of the Shang-Yin: -1122 (1766 J.C before 1558 – or 1050 before J.C).
The second dynasty Shang-, Yin, have more provided legendary story; archaeological discoveries (list of sovereigns) like practically confirm the historical reference mark who support the accounts. The most prestigious site is the Anyang, capital of the XIV in the 11th century J.C before, in the northeast in Henan. Was found much bronzes (vases, ballot boxes,)… of an alloy technique and casting so perfect that we called the age of bronze. The ruins showed villages made with speakers assume that the prevalence of agriculture. We could reconstruct: two groupsthe nobles (clientele and report from the sovereign) and the commoners (stockbreeders, farmers,) craftsmen. The dynasty of the Shang- Yin sees the beginnings of the writing. and in the witness divinatory fragments of admissions beef on shoulder blades scales or giant turtles, the jiaguwen, harvested from the beginning of the century. The graves already attest worship ancestors. The fall of the Shang- Yin, as all dynasties that were to succeed, was not designed as the effect of strokes of luck: The Chinese are always spill in the fate of the punishment of a downfall.The ancient line lost his effectiveness and did not see the connection of the group with the universe.

vendredi 22 août 2014

10 most beautiful trips in Burma!

1 Yangon 

Yangon, the capital, is the most important entry in Myanmar door.Evergreen and cool with warm lush trees, shady parks and idyllic lakes, Yangon has earned the name of "The Garden City of the East". If you do not think, please just take a satellite view of green Yangon over the Internet using a tool like Google Earth. In addition to those natural gifts, Yangon is home of pagodas and polished, churches and monuments of the British colonial era. Best tourist places. 

2. Before 

Located 80 miles east northeast of Yangon, Bago makes a perfect day trip or can also be a factor of two Kyaikhtiyo trip to Golden Rock Pagoda or even a ride days including Mawlamyine Moulemein). It houses a large reclining Buddha and Shwemawdaw golden pagoda, an important step in Bago. It is a monastery where noted one end is for taking pictures of the position of Buddhist monk in the queue in the late morning for their last meal of the day. Top tourist sites

3 . Golden Rock 

 The rather strict in this place of pilgrimage single trip is always satisfied with a breathtaking view of a huge rock weighing 600 tons, unsecured balanced on the edge of a cliff Paung Laung Mountain chain, about 200 miles south west of Yangon . At the top of the rock is a delicate pagoda dedicated to a single strand of hair relic of the Buddha is said to be the prime force keeps the balance of this huge rock.

4 . Mawlamyine 

 Mawlamyine is also recognized as Moulemein, a given name by British colonists. Visitors to Mawlamyine are simply charmed by the beautiful scenery and mild climate. The impression of post-colonial decay is still palpable here that this city was an administrative center of the British Raj in the early 19th century. It's also a beautiful, tropical city with a tower stupa hills capped on one side and the sea on the autres.

5 . Bagan 

The city of Bagan (formerly spelled as "Pagan"), central Myanmar (Burma), located on the left bank of the Irrawaddy River and about 90 miles (145 km) southwest of Mandalay . The site of a former capital of Myanmar, Pagan is a pilgrimage center and contains ancient Buddhists who were restored and repainted and sanctuaries are in use. Ruins of the sanctuary and other pagodas cover a wide area. The most beautiful temples are Ananda Temple, Temple Dhammayangyi, Shwezigon Pagoda and Temple Thatbyinnyu. Bagan

6. Mount Popa 

A tour of Bagan in the middle of the beautiful hills and the landscape of the forest, Mt. Popa is a steep volcanic peak dedicated to famous spirits "NAT" of Myanmar. A sanctuary to these fear and enjoyed classic character lies at the foot of "Taungkalat" in a volcanic cone. The nearby Mount Popa and locked themselves with leaves and lush forest that is abundantly filled with various species of flora and fauna. It can be called an oasis in the central dry zone of Myanmar.

7 . Mandalay 

 It is the second largest city and the last royal capital of Myanmar. Many historic buildings and attractive tourist sites, temples and pagodas, with trips to attractions available close by. It is also a center for silk and cotton weaving. Mandalay Hill, the Maha Muni Buddha image is the ideal images of Buddhism. Houses Mandalay smaller amount than a third of 150,000 monks and nuns of the nation. Mandalay is surrounded by its ancient neighboring cities as Mingun, Sagaing Innwa (Ava) and Amarapura.

8. Pyin Oo Lwin (Maymyo) 

 A cool hill station, over 1000 meters above sea level, located in the colonial era and a journey of preciousness of Mandalay. Here business can enjoy the beautiful scenery, a cool climate and nostalgic atmosphere of days in its old buildings and botanical gardens (now known as the National Kandawgyi Park, home to various species of birds, insects, orchids and trees. The tourist will find in Pyin Oo Lwin markets very welcoming. around, there are plenty of water which falls Anisakan Pwe Kauk and are well known falls.

9. Inle Lake 

A very special dimension to the experience of travel Myanmar. Here the focus is on the beautiful lake view, the misty distant mountains and the interesting local society. The vast lake, natural and clean, is dotted with floating islands and is famous for its beauty, unique leg rowers and colorful markets. This vast picturesque lake, 900 meters above sea level, is one of the main tourist attractions in Myanmar. The lakeshore and lake islands bear 17 villages on stilts, mostly occupied by people Intha. Inle Lake

10. Kalaw Kalaw 

ssur the western edge of the Shan plateau. It is 70 km west of Taungyi on middle along the road Thazi - Taungyi. It was a popular hill station in the British days and it is still a non-violent and quiet. At an altitude of 1,320 m, it is pleasantly cool and a good place for hiking amid gnarled pines, bamboo groves and rugged mountain scenery. A former British colonial hill station, this small town offers cool temperatures (Kalaw is located at 1300 meters above sea level) and numerous hiking opportunities Love China The blog that shares his passion for China

Harbin, the city of ice!

5 Beautiful picture of China

Favorite destinations for Chinese tourists in China

1. Sanya

Sanya (Hainan Island) is one of the most famous resorts in China. 
regularly It is considered the "Chinese Hawaii" by its latitude and the climat.Belles beaches and coconut trees

2. Yunnan

"In the south of colorful clouds" that is the literal meaning of Yunnan.

3. Hong-Kong

Shopping paradise, this city having a full status. 
's rich history of the city and its legendary Victoria Harbour also attract tourists. 
officially Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, People's Republic of China , is the largest and most populated of the two special administrative regions (SARs) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the other being Macau. It has about seven million people called Hong Kong. 
A global financial and business hub 
Hong Kong is a city on the eastern bank of the Pearl River on the south coast of China and is washed by the South China Sea. Hong Kong is next to Guangdong province. Hong Kong it comes to the richest city in China; its economy is among the most liberal in the world. .

British colony from the Treaty of Nanking (1842), returned to China in 1997, or 155 years later, Hong Kong remains fundamentally different from the rest of the People's Republic of China. Particular Basic Law determines its political system. It follows the principle of "one country, two systems", which allows Hong Kong to maintain its legal system, its currency, its political system, its sports teams and its immigration laws. Under the terms of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, China has promised that Hong Kong would retain relative autonomy until 2047, 50 years after the transfer of sovereignty.

4. Macau 

5. Tibet 

6. Hangzhou 

7. Beijing 

8. Shanghai 

9. Qingdao 

10. Xingjiang

Advice for travelers seeking Visiting China

Explore China can shake even the most seasoned travelers. And that's understandable. It is a vast country with enough languages ​​and dialects to leave many baffled even native Chinese speakers to the idea of communicating away from home. But traveling away from the big cities is not scary, and it's not impossible.

1 China is an immense country!

Traveling during the last years of my home base in Shanghai, I took a lot of advice - both from my own experience and others - that make life on the road in China a little more easier and much more rewarding. Here are 20 of them to get you started. 

Score 2 extra beds the easy way

Chinese hotels are not too picky when it comes to match the number of beds for the number of people, especially when additional members are children. For families, this can save a lot of money . Rather than having two bedrooms, a family of four can get in a comfortable double room, where two beds are the same size as a regular double bed. Follow the appropriate protocol currency Do not insult one taxi driver in Shanghai by overloading with small cuts, or as 1 yuan jiao 5 ratings. He likes the clink of coins.Conversely, in the north and west of China, market vendors expect to reject outright the parts. They like paper money, no matter how small the denomination. 

3 issues of language 

Use the best application language for travelers Pleco is the best application of the Chinese language for travelers. The dictionary of the basic application is free. It costs $ 14.95 to buy US optical character recognition function (compatible with the camera of the iPhone 4 or 5). Point the iPhone a Chinese menu and get an instant translation. 

4 Engraved Gifts

Have beautiful handmade objects and order - a neon sign your name, a pair of riding boots, a set of sheets, wardrobe oak silk duvet or cashmere coat. 

China is the land of opportunity. 

If you can dream it, anyone can do it. The Neon-plasma Tech company Shandong Juancheng make custom neon in a week and will be available everywhere. use the best guides to Offbeat China China Little T (r) ips is a series of guides for those who want to get well-worn tourist trails in China but do not have the inside knowledge or language skills to do so. These guides Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Sichuan and Qinghai soon contain detailed itineraries, maps and specific language maps for each leg of the trip. Controlled in the right way the good dishes 


Rice is often served at a meal in Chinese restaurants, be seen as a cheap way to fill in the end if necessary. Anyone wanting rice with his meal must specify the server saying mifan (rice) mashang (right away). 

7 Toilet paper reminder

Toilet paper is rarely found in public toilets in China. Bring your own supplies. 

8 Dodging difficult meal

Outside the major cities and branded hotels around the world, the Chinese hotel breakfasts cater exclusively to the local market. This is not a problem for anyone who loves congee and pickles, but can be an unimaginable obstacle for kids or picky eaters. Bring a box of their favorite cereal and some small cartons of milk and everyone starts the happy day. Most hotels do not mind. PLUS: Hundreds of flights were canceled at airports in China, with more to come . 9 Do not worry - it's sure China is not nearly as terrifying as many guides would have you believe. Yes, traffic is chaotic and air could be better - much better - but China is one of the safest countries in the world for female travelers, single travelers and families. 10. Give - and get - instant gratification Those traveling in rural China often want to give a little gift to the locals they meet, but are unsure of what could be considered appropriate. A portrait delivered instantly on a Polaroid camera is a popular gift on the ground. Trespass confidently accustomed to the idea of private property, international travelers are often reluctant to move away from trails worn in the ways and hutongs fear of intrusion. But that's not the way the Chinese see it. All these outdoor spaces are public spaces, streets and ways and hold some of the most exciting scenes in major cities of China. 12. Do not be fooled by shouting Chinese people like to talk very loudly and passionately at times, and it can be easy to mistake this for an argument. Participation in a lively Shanghai between a taxi driver and a Chinese friend discussion, I thought they were about to come to blows."No," they said. "We talked together about the devastating effects of the earthquake in Sichuan was." 

13 Need help? Find a high school student

The range of dialects and variants across China Mandarin can make communication difficult, even for native speakers Mandarin. But help is always at hand: the age of 25 are more likely to speak standard Mandarin and English. Students who have studied English in the books for years, but have had little contact with native English speakers, can more easily understand the written questions. 

14 Establish a connection with his own hometown

Learn the names of the most famous country for radiant instant recognition of taxi drivers, waiters and the man in the street. Tip: Eiffel Tower is "my fei'er your tie," Statue of Liberty "xiang zi shen you NU" and the Great Barrier Reef is "da bao jiao." 

15. try breakfast in the street

To get a bit of local color on business trips that would otherwise be spent inside taxis and meeting rooms, "take the streets behind the hotel for an early breakfast balls or noodles and watch the zone alarm while you eat, "suggests Australian business traveler Matthew Tobin. also read it and thati will or there Love China The blog that shares his passion for China

What to see and do in Beijing