lundi 25 août 2014

chinese tradition

prehistory Xia, the dynasty and the dynasty Shang- Yin
China regards himself as the center of the world. The west, with her two wings, the European each North-American we thought, in charge of the world and act like it. Couple of civilizations escaped the autocentrism: what is durable and powerful always looked for the universal domination. We will understand Chinese people pretend to be the Home of the Psychic (Zhongguo).
: Prehistory
A prehistoric ages, the first human events seem extremely diversified. For about forty years, the oldest human fossil that stayed in 1921 discovered in the hill of Tcheou-k' eou-tien near Peking () Beijing. In 1927, D Black assigned him to an ancestor of the Chinese man he named Sinanthropus pekinensis Sinanthrope “, Beijing,” or, more usually, “the Man from Beijing. The man from Beijing and his “old”, the man of Lantian, over 500,000 years of existence.
Then Neolithic age, China, like all other countries, was the theater upheavals great: birth and development of the culture, agricultural settlement of the population regrouping, of the residents in urban areas of increasing, polishing rocks to be used as tools, pottery, organization of the economic and social duties, development of religious designs. One of the most famous sites that gave his name to a culture is Yangshao on the Yellow river (Huanghe).To the confluence of the Yellow river and Wei river up themselves by nature's work of water, the layers of loess, an exceptional. The name “Yellow river” comes to him from the color he is kidding by these enormous amounts of loess. Settles the loess alluvial deposits in it creates could he show by a river that often runs over his own together. It is understood that floods, when break the dams, submerge the plain: people die a hundred thousands.
The dynasty of Xia: (2207 – 1766 before J.C 2207 – or 1558 before J.C).
According to legend, a series of sovereigns three and five emperors Xia before. We usually means the first of three sovereigns Fuxi, with his wife, who was also her sister Nugua, the goddess. Both have a human bust and tail of a dragon. We attributes Nugua to the creation of the human race from clay and the institution of marriage while Fuxi would have learned in Chinese hunting, fishing, and pet. Divinity with beef Shennong head would for his part have taught them the agriculture and the knowledge of the properties of the medicinal plants.
In the same way, we charge of the five emperors the contribution of some key elements of the Chinese culture. The first among them, Huang Di, would have given to the Chinese people the calendar harvest, boats, the armour and the pottery. A later emperor, Shun, invented the broom to be calligraphed. She is at her abdication in favour of Yu, Xia the first emperor, it started the dynastic rule.
According to many historians Xia, the dynasty really existed, but not in the form described by Chinese mythology. This dynasty would have stayed in power for nearly five years, until the old XVIII century middle J.C before. before sinking in corruption and be hit by Shang.
The dynasty of the Shang-Yin: -1122 (1766 J.C before 1558 – or 1050 before J.C).
The second dynasty Shang-, Yin, have more provided legendary story; archaeological discoveries (list of sovereigns) like practically confirm the historical reference mark who support the accounts. The most prestigious site is the Anyang, capital of the XIV in the 11th century J.C before, in the northeast in Henan. Was found much bronzes (vases, ballot boxes,)… of an alloy technique and casting so perfect that we called the age of bronze. The ruins showed villages made with speakers assume that the prevalence of agriculture. We could reconstruct: two groupsthe nobles (clientele and report from the sovereign) and the commoners (stockbreeders, farmers,) craftsmen. The dynasty of the Shang- Yin sees the beginnings of the writing. and in the witness divinatory fragments of admissions beef on shoulder blades scales or giant turtles, the jiaguwen, harvested from the beginning of the century. The graves already attest worship ancestors. The fall of the Shang- Yin, as all dynasties that were to succeed, was not designed as the effect of strokes of luck: The Chinese are always spill in the fate of the punishment of a downfall.The ancient line lost his effectiveness and did not see the connection of the group with the universe.

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