mercredi 20 août 2014


Today it goes on a song Gerard Manset, I suggest you look and listen to the public next version of Bashung: 

Bashung Sundays at the Elysee Like a Lego

This is a large plot of nowhere, with beautiful silver handles
the lens of a microscope, and all those little things that run
Menqiu (13)
As everyone goes about his fate, big or small
, as in the Egyptian centuries painfully 
Wear thousand times its focus on the "i" in the heat and downwind
in the sun or at night, you see these creatures I need regular.
Menqiu (17)
The menqiu ( 门球men and door qiu globe or ball) Men pronounced like men in men and er qiu as roof advertising in pe roof advertising . Flat terrain (better, otherwise would play with blocks!), Three doors, a center pole, balls, people, masses, caps and hats, everything is ready we start. Reminds of croquet but it is not in. On track for a still unknown about the great online encyclopedia;)
Place the balls

Menqiu (0)

Someone invented this game, terrible, cruel, captivating
houses, lakes, continents, like a lego with wind
and small poc
Menqiu (1)

Do 20 pictures around here it's almost boring and still make the same photos it's not very fun, so I move the buttons, I put the grain (or noise) to take pictures of vintage CSWS. For those interested I do not use a "button" that directly and only this kind of photography but I take a normal picture and I'm looking for trimmings imitated the look I see on real old photos ... if I'm making myself clear of what j'm'exprime :)
Place the balls (I like it)
Menqiu (2)

and small poc (I do not like that one)
Menqiu (3)

Weak omnipotent, like a lego with blood
strength tenfold losers as a lego with teeth
like a lego with hands like a lego
Menqiu (4)
Stop interrupting me and let's go to our menqiu ... we have the right front kick (above), the "big pop" is the most common, the only move for a single scoop (wooden or plastic they are). You never play as laterally from left to right. Always between his feet forward.
It has the square of carpet on the low wall surrounding the field, Legos * sitting there next to their jars of tea. * Do not see anything wrong, I also sign "Photos: The Lego of blogenchine."

Regarding the gear for wholesale prices you divide by 10 (8.5 actually) the numbers you see on this page
Menqiu (5)
We never worried about the time it takes for his friend to play yet the course is timed. No cheerful "good you play", "is when you want", "we will not sleep there", "there will still mett" 15 days "or" at your own pace "so. We often play in the afternoons and in summer it is hot after the coup, 16h, two teams of 5 comrades called "red and white". The game is mixed. Below is the scope of "pop Bonus", the masses do not sound like golf clubs and their pretty "bling". Bonus for poc two balls on one school to another and hitting the 1, 2, which is the first, well-known effect of communicating poc, neither seen nor known j't'embrouille. Why and in which case the small poc is practiced rather than the big ones? That's a good question.

Menqiu (6)

Table of Scoring. At the left of the game. Right the 队 红 队 白 reds and whites. And in the foreground a woman in great poc.
Menqiu (7)

Another picture "old." The secret of menqiu ...
Menqiu (8)

 This ... is the same as bocce: when the ball is gone, you bend, you or the mass on the side where you want the ball to go. Look here, 1.2.3 from left to right.
1 Mr. cap makes a big poc
2. It's bad beginning, Mr. Hat bends his knees and runs his weight on his right to télépathicommander his ball ...
3. It won the ball comply, the shot is good, 8 passes 3rd door, the meeting is cut, all rely on his age = an unbeatable experience, 25 years of menqiu, we will not him learn. He is modest, no "Alors! Kestu to say it, you're calmed eh??"
Menqiu (9)
This is a large plot of nowhere, with beautiful silver handles
the lens of a microscope, looking, looking, looking in

You see little things that glow, they are people in shirts
Like during the centuries of the long night, in silence or in noise
Small poc the sponsor , sorry * , Comrade white hat ... * Since recently we (the govt.) advises officials to call them "big brother", "brother", "boss" and other names Merry in consonance mafia that would encourage (almost) corruption, it is advisable to stick to the good old "comrade", dependable and honest king :). Apart ROI, this info is true.
Menqiu (10)
Since there are 10 menqiuteur there are 10 balls that litter the track. When we pass a door is replayed. We must pass the 3-door counter-clockwise and even touch the central stake in final. In large and small SOFC, I do not know!

Menqiu (11)
There are pictures of three series, in December 2013, June 2014 and avr.2014.

Menqiu (16)

Télépathicommandage method with moving the body style bowls, amid AC. Not to be confused with the technique of "yet when j'me put there ... if you look here ... it is good"
Menqiu (14)
Like a chessboard, like a Lego
 Everyone closed their balcony, suddenly the old bread to attract sparrows Tintin pigeons!
Menqiu (15)

The land is in the middle of buildings
Menqiu (18)

Gaston studies his next poc.
Menqiu (19)
No small yellow or Bonus chilled rosé from behind the rice fields, no pay Fanny aperitif
no small fresh Tsingtao well under the ginko biloba neighborhood, nothing! 

Menqiu (20)
 in silence or in noise

Otherwise, bench between Legos, temples, and the menqiu madam
Menqiu (21) A
ATV Spe 'beach, nice road I do not know what it can give in the sand ...
Menqiu (21) B

 And "Eggplant" because in China "eggplant" is said (in Chinese !!!) instead of cheese for the smile in the photo.
Menqiu (22)

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