mardi 26 août 2014

Places to visit in the city of Beijing

The 10 most amazing monuments of the capital:

The place Tian' anmen 天安门广场:

Heart of political capital, the place Tian' anmen is the greatest place in the world. It is this place from the People's Republic Of China was founded by Mao Zedong on October 1st, 1949. Tian' anmen is also the popular parades how was organized 60ème for the birthday of the foundation of the country on October 1st.
Bordered on the East-West ends by buildings in the Soviet architecture whose palace in the House of the people, the place has a nice, cold look what impresses the visitor.
The center of the place is occupied by the Mausoleum of Mao by the door of heavenly peace, decorated the portrait of the Great Helmsman, close the place on on the north side while giving to the Forbidden City. Two ceremonies are held every day at this place with the rising sun and the respectively for raising and removing the national flag. At the scene the monuments interesting to visit is next:
The door of heavenly peace 天安门:

(Good): SNorth of the place Tian' anmen door, this is probably the most interesting to visit. You can go up to the top of the door to enjoy the old ornaments and a lovely view of the anmen Tian' place. Introduction videos are also present.
Business hours: 8h30-16h30
Entrance fee: 15RMB + 6RMB (Training) optional
How to go:? Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong?
The door Duan 端门:

(Good): SLess impressive than the door of heavenly peace Duan, the door is interesting, though, because he has an exhibition of pictures on the Peking man.
Business hours: 8h30-16h30
Entrance fee: 10RMB
How to get there? : Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong can not go in the direction of the north.
Doors to the front 前门:

(Good): SIn the south of the place Tian' anmen, the doors of the front were built in the Ming dynasty and have a different view of the place and Tian' anmen surrounding area. The greatest two doors is high of 40m.
Business hours: 8h30-16h
Entrance fee: 10RMB
How to go:? Subway line 2, Qianmen station?
The mausoleum of Mao Zedong 毛主席纪念堂:

(Good): SYou can see the mummified remains of the Great Helmsman who is exposed in a box of glass. You are going to have to find you if you visit this place as disrespect. Take care of the bags in the building on the other side of the street is a mausoleum.
Business hours: every day - 11h30 8:30, closed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of 14:00 open to 16:00 in July except - August.
Entrance fee: free + + 5RMB instructions 10RMB bags
How to go:? Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong or by subway line 2, Qianmen station then to go towards the center of the room.
Monument to the heroes of the people 人民英雄纪念碑:

Interest (S) :O bélisque 37,90m of high on the place at the south end of the door of heavenly peace, this monument present from the patriotic historical facts.
Price: free
How to go:? Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong?
The Forbidden City 故宫:

(Good): SThe Forbidden City is the monument from Beijing to be visited. Sheltering for over 500 years the emperors of China dynasties for the Ming and Qing, this gigantic succession of palace gardens doors and was told the people for the whole kingdom of the two dynasties. It certainly took a day to visit him totally.
You will find in particular the palaces of the supreme Harmony, the average Harmony and preserved the Harmony, the palace of the Union and the palace of the heavenly purity and very surprising room on the Record that has an amazing collection masterpieces. The Forbidden City is delimited by the Door of the South to the south and over the door of my military Engineering north. You can also walk you in the imperial Garden (7000m2). North of the Forbidden City, you can continue your walk towards the Beihai park.
Business hours: 8h30-16h00 from May to September 8:30, from October to April 15h30 -
Entrance fee: 60RMB (From April 1st to October 31st) 40RMB, from November 1st to March 31st ()
How to get there? : Line 1 subway stations, Xi Tian' anmen Tian' or anmen Dong can not pass under the portrait of Mao and to lead you to the north.Walk about 150 meters and the entrance is right in front of you. The tickets are caught front door on the left.
The Summer Palace 颐和园:

(Good): SOne of the major places from Beijing to be visited. The Summer Palace was the home of summer of the emperor and his court under the Qing dynasty. The vastness of the lake Kunming and the park need at least a half a day for a visit.
Business hours: 8h30-17h00
Entrance fee: 60RMB (From April 1st to October 31st) 50RMB, from November 1st to March 31st ()
How to go:? Subway line 4, Beigongmen station 300m then go about to arrive at the north entrance to the Summer Palace.
The Temple of heaven 天坛:

(Good): SIn the south of Beijing, the Temple of heaven is a beautiful temple built under the Ming dynasty. Symbol of the capital, the Temple of heaven is quite vast site that was once mainly to the prayer for the good crops.
Business hours: 8h00-18h00 (website) 6:00, 21h.() park
Entrance fee: 30RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 5, Dongmen Tiantan station
The Temple of Spangled 雍和宫:

(Good): SThe Buddhist temple the Tibetan most famous from Beijing. The Pekinese we come to mass to apply for the weekend there by depositing incense sticks. Smell the incense, the architecture and the multitude of this place have a magical place.
Business hours: 9h00-16h00
Entrance fee: 25RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 2, Lama Temple Yonghegong station
The Temple of Confucius and the imperial college 孔庙:

(Good): SLocated near the Temple of Spangled this temple, less dramatic than his neighbor is a place for those who can not stand any more the crowd of the Temple of Spangled. The park and relaxing is a nice stop after a long day of work.
Business hours: 8h30-17h00
Entrance fee: 20RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 2, Lama Temple Yonghegong station
Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园:

(Good): SOld Summer palace destroyed by the French, the British in Opium war (1856-1860), the ruins of Yuanmingyuan was once a king and a park with the European architecture that had been built Qianlong by the emperor. Symbol of the decline of China and the west powers under the Qing dynasty, this place is a wound for lots of Chinese. The items that were stolen by the French and British troops have claimed today by China in particular the auctions. The park is a place much less than that of the Summer Palace is nice to take a walk.
Business hours: 7h00-19h00
Entrance fee: 10RMB
How to get there? : Subway line 4, Yuanmingyuan station
Tricks of the drum and the bell 鼓楼 钟楼:

(Good): SCrazy on the phone of the centuries, the two towers to see many reproductions especially drums. However, the view of the hutongs and information on this historic place in Beijing are worth the detour.
Business hours: 9h-16h30
Entrance fee: 30RMB
How to get there? : Bus line 5.58 or 107 Gulou, stop. line 2 subway stop Guloudajie out B then go south for 500m about and you arrive at the towers.
The cathedral of East 东堂:

(Good): SThis little church is not worth only with her movement but if you are on the way to the Wangfujing street, then it will probably cause and pretty your curiosity about what you are doing up there.
Business hours: 06h30-19h00 Monday to Saturday of the 06:30, 20h00 - Sunday
Entrance fee: free
How to get there? : Subway line 1, Wangfujing station. Go to the north and still get in the big shopping district. After about 300 feet, to the right, you will see the church.
The mosque of the street of the beef 牛街礼拜寺:

Interest (S) :P read the mosque in town, this monument built in the 10th century is a mixture between muslim architectures and Chinese. If the prayer room is reserved for the Muslims, the rest of the mosque can be visited. Put clothes with long legs and arms. Women can go without a problem.
Business hours: 08h until sunset.
Entrance fee: free for Muslims 10RMB, not for the Muslims
How to go: Address: Niu Jie 88. Bus 6 and 10 stops Niu Jie Liubaisi or. Subway line 4, Caishikou station then go west on Guang' anmennei dajie 500m before turning left then go 100m.
: Peking around

The Great Wall 长城:

(Good): STo visit Beijing without going to the Great Wall, it is kind of like going to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Destination impossible to go around, the Great Wall is just human building the longest ever built. Even if, as opposed to the legend, the Great Wall can not be seen from space. the work, with its 5000 miles long across, apart from Beijing, the provinces, from Hebei Liaoning, Mongolia- Ningxia Inside, and Gansu. The wall is starting in the west in Gansu in the city of Jiayuguan 嘉峪关 to end up facing the sea with Shanhaiguan 山海关 in the province of Liaoning.
Many sites of the Great Wall with Beijing are open to the public.
Badaling 八达岭 慕田峪 Mutianyu and are tourist comprising portions renovated and accessible by telpher (carrier round-trip 50RMB) for the people who would have difficulty walking. If you prefer to the more and more authentic sites, so Simatai 司马台 金山岭 Jinshanling and are made for you. The last two sites are connected to each other and it is possible to combine both of course by paying two tickets. The distance covered to connect Jinshanling Simatai is about ten miles. One section, much less of all is Huanghua 黄花. But be careful because the police does not allow his sometimes to visitors. Many ways to the Great Wall.A tank broke up two sections. To find a way, locate the buildings that are going to try to get you money by pretending to be the owners of the way that you are going to use to go on the Great Wall. Best not to talk to them and a bullet in my head. There is little chance for them to have the courage to prevent you from across the border.
Every year, hundreds of tourists let you try on a campsite on the Great Wall. Just so you know, camping on the Great Wall is formally against the authorities that will not hesitate to make you pay a fine whose amount will be random.
Business hours: Badaling: 6h-22h () summer, 7:00 18h.() winter; Mutianyu: 6h30-17h30; And Jinshanling Simatai: 8h-17h Huanghua: no schedule.
Entrance fee: Badaling: 40RMB Jinshanling: 50RMB Mutianyu: 40RMB Simatai: 40RMB Huanghua: free
How to get there? :

Badaling 八达岭: Subway line 2, Jishuitan station 500m then go to the east until you reach a monument that you are going to see on your left: the Deshengmen door. To go north of the door and find the bus stop n°919. Take the bus until Badaling (5-10RMB).
Mutianyu 慕田峪: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take the bus n°916 (direct, 15RMB) or the bus until Huairou n°936 怀柔 (5RMB) so take a van until Mutianyu (25RMB). Arrived at Huairou, many undeclared taxis will jump on you to take you to the Great Wall.You do not let him, get out of the bus station and go to the first corner, make a right and the stop for the van is about 100m from there. When in doubt, ask for your way with an employee of a store for example. You can use the next sentence:
Simatai 司马台: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take a direct van until Simatai (20RMB).
Jinshanling 金山岭: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take a bus to Miyun 密云 (8RMB) then take a bus to Gubeikou (7RMB) and go down Bakeshiying.
Huanghua 黄花: Subway line 2 Dongzhimen station, then East to the bus station 东直门长途汽车站 long - distance. Take the direct bus n°961 (8RMB) and ask us to drop you in Huanghuacheng 黄花城. There are two buses in the morning and two buses in the afternoon. Watch out, the last bus home with leaves Beijing Huanghua 14:30 at.
The Graves Ming:

(Good): STo visit the funerals of the 3 more famous emperors of the Ming dynasty. To enjoy the architecture and ornaments of the graves.
Business hours: 8h-17h30
Price: Ding Ling: 60RMB (Peak season, 40RMB) () low season. Chang Ling: 45RMB (Peak season, 30RMB) () low season. Zhao Ling: 30RMB (Peak season, 20RMB) () low season.
How to get there? : Subway line 2, Jishuitan station 500m then go to the east until you reach a monument that you are going to see on your left: the Deshengmen door.So just take the bus n°345 Dongguan Changping until then change bus and take a bus to the Ming tombs.

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