vendredi 22 août 2014

Tourism interests in Beijing

Asia, the largest and most populous continent in the world abounds varioustourist destinations that can only satisfy those in search of adventure, meeting and sharing. Asian countries have much to offer to travelers who venture there. The most popular destinations include China, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and Burma. In this article, we are going to focus on China , specifically on the most visited in this fascinating Asian destinations.

Beijing, between history, culture and traditions

Located in the northern part of China, Beijing city, also known as Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. This is where most begin visits to China since the city is home to Beijing Capital International Airport, located northeast of downtown Beijing. The city of Beijing is the city witnessed history, traditions and Chinese cultures. It includes various sites and monuments of interest. The Forbidden City, the Great Wall of Balading and the various temples to their surroundings are almost mandatory for passages trip to China .


The Great Wall of China

The best place to see the Great Wall of China at Badaling, about 70 km from Beijing. From there, it was a breathtaking view of the whole of theWorld Heritage emblem of China, through the peaks of the hills, and there are also a variety of dining. To be at the heart of the story, you can go to the theater to watch the wall documentary about his past, but also visit the museum.

The Forbidden City

In the center of Beijing city stands the famous Forbidden City, north of the third most important place in the world: Tiananmen Square. The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum is one of the oldest Chinese imperial palace. It keeps the countless treasures of Chinese imperial era, but it also houses Chinese art objects such as musical instruments, paintings of paintings, bronzes and ceramics.

The Temple of Heaven

trip to China , like any other trip to Asia including Malaysia , Indonesia, Burma and Japan, is a real opportunity to better understand the Asian religious practices. We discover various temples and other places of worship, like the Temple of Heaven in southern Beijing's Xuanwu neighborhood. At the time of ancient China, this temple was the place of celebration of the rites and sacrifices chosen by the emperors to pay homage to heaven. Currently, one can visit in the huge park where the Chinese come to train in martial arts , dance or singing. In addition to the places of prayer and worship, the Temple of Heaven also has a museum of natural sciences, in its western part. We discover collections of fossils, such as dinosaur.

To learn more about China and its cultural and historical treasures, it is also advisable to visit other tourist cities, such as Shanghai or Hong Kong , if not for a holiday beach, it is best to choose Sanya and Macao .

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