mercredi 20 août 2014


Excuse the wrong mail post again (123), I started this post about the 3rd or July 4th then I had problems only with this blog, all other sites nickel, then after 5 days of "failure" j have written on a forum to find out a bit .... and I'm a "123" in test sent by mistake.
China (0)
When visiting temples in China it becomes clear that understands nothing. Buddha that is not always the same, it is not even always present, sometimes it's not gold sometimes, that there are lotus flowers or not, yinyang symbol or not, that depictions of people, animals, real or imaginary are very diverse people (real ones) have different attitudes or occupations, it is the Chinese, etc., and best.
When you arrive in a temple where you do not understand everything you can easily find a guy, usually the first comer, who will all make you visit, friendly, explain, you open all the doors and invite you to take photos quietly. I specify this because I often hear that it is forbidden to take pictures in the temples and that's not true. In temples paid admissions armored tourists with parking for buses, then yes it is (forbidden), certainly to accelerate traffic. About the flashes, visit a temple called "restored" and then talk about the potential damage due (with a D as Duss) any damage due to flash :) I never use the flash unless the total oscurité but c ' is not the question.
It has three main "types" of temples, Buddhist , Taoist and those of popular religion (or traditional religion) . It was also the Confucius but it's almost dead. While the first two are pretty easy to access (read: understand ) those of popular religion are even more complex !!! Popular religion em mixing Buddhist practices, Taoist, different religions ( ancestor worship , worship of the sky , etc.), different beliefs as good times of fixtures lunisolar , animism , bodybuilding , numerology , the disage good chance or mishap, various historical facts, mystical legends or superstitions with internal decisions as to the temples here to enter the pantheon Mao, elsewhere it was Stalin, Marx; popular religion thus brings together politicians, soldiers, "authentic" gods, kings, ..., having existed or imagined or etc. And above etc!
So when we approach this subject it quickly takes up much space, cares little world and to empty the blog is number 1 but balance these photos without a minimum of explanation and link it was not possible.
One of the things that can surprise us in real life here are explained in this popular religion, I said some. The transmission has been prohibited since superstitions ? forgot? 1949. This popular religion is not recognized as an official religion in China but widely practiced and well freely. Completing the long passage, boring but necessary.
Following the visit the previous post " color "
Main gate of the temple, not just a door or we go but a small building that is entered, usually always on the south facade as for homes, exceptionally here on the north side! North rahhhhh, the enemy, the Great Wall, the north is not good.
South is good, bocce coughed
China (1)
On the wall is pasted papers showing the names and the amount of donations received. A real estate company donated 5,000 yuan (top left of the yellow banner on the right), as the area is full of all new buildings is the investment that should force sales.
Entered the entrance you are greeted by two gatekeepers, General Ha (blower) and the General Heng (sniffer). They are now more often at four (the four celestial kings Buddhist renamed, revised. Opposite we see the first hall.
China (2)
This morning on July 11 (the 15th of the calendar corner) I was again right there and I was talking with an old what is the statue in front, because there is no name and that I not know well and why the door is in the north, coughed ... so when you say to a former name of the two generals that the saw is live :) Wow v'nez see, I have a foreign general who knows!
General Ha (blower) open mouth was capable of blowing a deadly gas (gas and baton is the ancestor of the CRS!)
China (3)

General Heng (sniffer) closed mouth was able to breathe through the nostrils a deadly beam of light, the forerunner of Goldorak
China (4)

The first hall, central altar with ancestor (father?) The god of fire in the center and "secretaries" on each side
China (5)

On one side there are paintings and a nap corner or even home.
well I like the pictures against the light, and when we also see in the day I have nothing against.
China (6)

and on the other side were five statues of women
China (7)

The central altar is leaning against a wall behind which is another door and a stock of bullion paper to burn as an offering to the occasion.
China (8)

There are flowers, candles, burning incense, etc., everything is normal
China (9)

Caps statues are full of pearls, spring and butterflies in blue fabric glued on a base? plastic or aluminum?
China (10)

5 women of substance from left to right are translated by me almost word for word exactly:
The grandmother of myopia, bringing a look
China (11)
I made five different treatments for these five photos, I've got to have fun too!
Queen pimples on the skin that has a trick I forgot to ask what it was because this morning at 7am the lobby was full of people (faithful) so I'm not in, not disturb, and incense there was the smoke in there! But notice that I was prompted with arm gestures that are "going to push you, let it go"
China (12)

Aunt Ling, aunt of the Fire holding a fireball
China (13)

Queen of bones and muscles (holding a brick to the muscu. Abdominal or for concrete?)
China (14)

Queen Mother Earth or Mother Earth holding a former bullion coin
China (15)

At their feet flowers, a few tickets, candles, cakes, etc, everything is normal, against the light
China (16)

They (especially them actually) come to pray that interests them. Against the light failed, as nothing in the window, so, so.
China (17)

So these photos are from the 1st of the month, there are 15 days, the ride is far from being completed, we will return some day, do not abuse
China (18)

China (19)

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