mercredi 20 août 2014


It is not always easy to obtain clear and precise information on obtaining the visa Chinese. We will try to clarify procedures to provide all the answers to your questions about this fee.
Visa for China

How to Get Your Visa for China?

To enter the Chinese territory, it is mandatory to get a visa. The Chinese visa is a permit issued by the Chinese embassy to any foreign and Chinese nationals who wish to visit China .

Competent Chinese authorities for issuing Visa

Visas are not issued by anyone. For China, there are several competent authorities to which we can apply for our visa application.
  • Embassies and consulates chinese (Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon and Marseille)
  • Commissions of Ministries of Foreign affair of China based in Hong Kong and Macau
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Department of Public safety.
  • Immigration Department of the Special Administrative Region (SAR) of Hong Kong
  • Identification Department of the Macao Special Administrative Region

Visa for China Guangzhou
Visa obtained from Guangzhou

Use an agency to obtain the Visa

Attention please note that neither the embassy nor the Consulates General will accept postal applications .
In this case, you can use the services of one of the many support agencies specialized in obtaining visas.
Visa ExpressPlanète VisaVisa ChronoPro Access Visa

The agency is a kind of bridge between you and the embassy, ​​it guides you through the process, advise you on the type of visa to obtain and provides information on the documents required for an additional charge .
The competent authorities for issuing the visa are able to give different types according to the applicant's status, purpose of stay or type of passport.
For each type of visa, you must download the application from for a visa .
China Visa Form

It is recommended to bring it carefully all information requested and attach all supporting documents required for the visa. One oblivion can land you a refusal and you're good to start all over again!
The deadline for obtaining a visa is usually 5 days (from the date of submission to the Chinese Embassy) or 1 to 2 days at a time said urgent. 
prices visas China meanwhile vary depending on the type of visa requested.


Types of Chinese Visa

To obtain a visa for China, it is necessary to provide a number of administrative documents. Each visa requires different data, so you have to be very attentive to what is required and do not hesitate to check with agencies to obtain visas.

For any type of visa:
It is required for any type of visa required:
  • Your passport being valid (must be valid at least six months after your return date and have at least two blank pages in a row)
  • The application form duly completed and signed visa along with a recent passport size photo 4.5 x 3.5 cm
  • A photocopy of the ticket round trip
There are four types of Chinese visas: the diplomatic visa , the courtesy visa , the visa service and ordinary visa . The latter is obviously the most coveted. It is itself divided into eight distinct categories:

The Tourist Visa:
It is issued to foreign tourists visiting the Chinese territory, visiting friends or relatives living in China.
In addition to the items listed above, you are requested to provide for tourist visa:
  • Photocopy of hotel reservations during your stay or accommodation certificate in China
  • A certificate of insurance International: care / repatriation valid during the stay in China (you have the option of a repatriation care insurance when booking airline tickets)
  • The work certificate or a certificate of income (statement last 3 months) or certificate of education (for major students over 18 years)
  • If you want to visit one of your relatives in China, you need a letter of invitation, a family certificate (family book) and identification of the parent (residence permit document in China for foreigners , Chinese identity card for Chinese)
  • If you want to go to China to visit one of your friends in China, you must provide a letter of invitation from a friend in China by joining identification (residence permit in China for foreigners, Chinese identity card for Chinese ...)
  • For non-French passport, a card room in France is required or a certificate from the employer in France and a school certificate of the French school if student
  • A financial certificate is required for some cases of visa application

Business Visa F:
This visa is issued to foreigners making a visit to a professional basis (appointments professional, fair or exhibition, stage ...). It is issued by invitation and the delay should not exceed 6 months.
For business visa, complete your application for a visa by providing also:
  • Photocopy of hotel reservations during your stay in China
  • The visa notification issued by the original of competent Chinese authority is required as appropriate
  • For foreign students making their short-term studies in China, provide the JW202 form issued by the Chinese authorities and Education Certificate of admission of establishing Chinese lessons
  • For foreign students seeking an internship in China, you have a copy of the placement agreement, the photocopy of the student card or certificate of education

Student Visa X:
Demand for student visa must be accompanied by following documents:
  • Form JW201 or JW202 issued by the authorities of Chinese education
  • A certificate of admission to the establishment of Chinese lessons
  • A medical certificate (certificate downloaded from the website of the Embassy)

Work Visa Z:
The work visa is recommended for foreigners who come to work in China.
He asked:
  • The visa notification issued by a competent Chinese authority
  • An employment permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the People's Republic of China 
    - OR a license issued by the National Administration of Foreign Experts of China Bureau; 
    - OR for ratification representative office of foreign companies in China issued by the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC (for representatives working continuously in the said office) 
    - OR a teaching of the representative office of foreign enterprises certificate China issued by the National Bureau of Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China (for the head of representative office) 
    - OR a work permit representatives of the representative office of foreign companies issued by the Provincial Administration Office of Trade; 
    - OR an employment permit issued by the provincial Office of the Employment Service; 
    - OR a residence card for foreigners issued by the Municipal Bureau of Safety
  • Family record of civil status or a photocopy of the family record book (for spouses, children and other family members accompanying them, appearing on the notification of visa)
  • Certificate or affidavit of cohabitation legalized by the City Council for unmarried companions included in the visa notification
  • A medical certificate (certificate downloaded from the website of the Embassy)

Transit Visa G:
This visa is issued to foreigners through China to visit another country.
To see you give such a visa, it is necessary to provide valid visa for the country of destination or flight match ticket if it does not require a fee.

Resident visa D:
The D visa is granted to foreigners who have been granted permission to reside in China. The procedures for obtaining it can lead to an interview if the Embassy deems necessary.
You need to provide more of the form and the passport, the original "Form Confirmation of Permanent Residence in China for foreigners." The visa applicant himself or his parents residing in China must apply for the certificate to the immigration and emigration of the Bureau of Public Security of the city and district of residence authorities.

Visa for minor children:
It is specifically issued to minors. He asked:
  • The birth certificate
  • Parental consent
  • Copy of identification documents of parents
  • In case of divorce, it is requested the deed of divorce legalized with particulars concerning the custody of children
  • The copy of school certificate

Journalist visa J:
This visa is reserved exclusively for journalists and media workers, journalists making a documentary temporary or permanent correspondents in China. For this type of visa is required to provide:
  • A visa application signed by the head of the company headquarters of press in which the journalist works precisely indicating the position of the journalist, the nature of his job, his home town, etc ...
  • A presentation of the position of the journalist, a photocopy of the release of the journalist, a curriculum vitae, contact the journalist, etc ...
  • A letter of invitation from entities or persons subject of the interview, or proof of the agreement for an interview


Visa validity, duration of stay and number of entries

The validity of the visa is the number of days that your visa is valid from the date of issue . Beyond the validity, entering Chinese territory will be denied ( see our misadventure in Macau ).
The validity varies visas requested. Today, the Embassy has tightened the time of validity and offers only 30 days. It is therefore advisable that you apply two to three weeks before departure.
Length of stay and the number of entries vary depending on the types of visas and are evaluated on the invitation letter for business visas.
Depending on your visa, you can get a double or multiple entry visa . This allows you to leave China and go back again without a visa.

Chinese Visa
(1)  Category visa (Tourist visa here L)  (2)  Validity (that visa is valid until May 18, beyond this date, we will be refused entry) (3)  Date of Issue (4)  Name and surname (5)  Birthday (6)  Number of entries (here 2 entries allowed) (7)  Duration of each stay (within 90 days) (8)  Place of visa issuance in China (9) Passport number


Visa pour Hong Kong et Macao

Hong Kong and Macao have the distinction of being the Special Administrative Regions (SAR). Colonized by Great Britain and Portugal, the two regions have kept Chinese sovereignty but remain independent and autonomous. 
Holders of ordinary French passport or EU citizens are not required to obtain a visa for Hong Kong if their stay does not exceed 90 days . 
However, a visa may be required if the visit to Hong Kong and Macau would be for academic purposes (education or training) or professional (work, show, performance artistic ...). 
A Hong Kong visa application can be submitted at the embassy or consulate of China in France.


Visa for Tibet

Foreign tourists wishing to visit Tibet must have a passport and Chinese visa, but also an entry permit (TTB Permit) and a travel permit to abroad (PSD Permit). The procedures do not stop there SINCE foreign is not allowed to enter only on the Tibetan territory.
Indeed, to visit Tibet it is essential to go through a travel agency or Chinese French has a special license, allowing them to get you the right to enter. In addition, it imposed a minimum of5 guests per tour operator to get into that territory.
Applications for permits is governed by the tour operators and must be sent at least ten days before the date of entry.

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