mercredi 20 août 2014


Before, when it was better, I had a blog, say this is the 5th or 6th. I changed my hosting provider for reasons of access, speed, etc.
The old blog remained online for several months before I delete them. For your delight looking at the bottom of the wall pictures of an old hard drive I found some backups. Today I bring you back the post "on the way to the wall" published on this blog September 29, 2006, he was part of a series of post about the traffic, it's the first one I copied but not the last. The photos were authentic original size ... and were all taken turns as: crash :)

 this year left turn I stick in the ass of this door chariot that rolls into place and flashes right :
- I still exceeds cornering that turn, answer A
- I give him the outside by the bike path necessarily , Answer B
- I rush and I honk, answer C

While I am there (on the bike path), after the chariot door :
- I will also exceed the truck with the horse, so the bicycle path, I rush and I honk, answer A
- We'll see how it goin ', Answer B
- If I will need a little crossover between the two trucks it can be a solution, answer C

it goes! So after passing the truck with the horse:
A-2 reports I stay and I also do the blue truck, I baraka j'le feel good and I like the blue
B Never 2 without 3 there is no reason for it not happening
C I rush, I honk and I criticize these badgers traveling at their place! kopftami!

 In this straight line dotted line
A-I dual necessarily the right it's a family tradition millennium
B s'trouve If it already has qlq'un which already exceeds the left
C I rush and I honk or is the problem? must learn to take the right decisions!

 The police car arrives in front did not seem to want to let me in
A-I'm a sympathetic smile and I play concentrated
B I serve right, I brake as gross and fake smile token
C I calm down a bit, I honk not least, I greet the nice policemen

 The bus and the truck exceeds a van and a car we guess
A-I rush and I honk, technical local well-known "act and only then think"
B I honk and I rush, Kom eine big bourin kamarat !
C I rush and I honks with one hand while answering the phone on the other


 As we approach this bend I exceed the truck on the left
A-Gonna when not even wait behind, the future is now !!!
B It's been 20 years since I go over in the turns, if you have not tried it for 50 years you've missed your life
C Anyway there is no bike path at this point, and I pretend to put out the small Buddha that hangs retro

 I drive on the left
A-Because I can not cut the yellow line to fall back and to the left is the wall!
B- Because speed bumps right ... humps downhill we will seen it all!
C This is how we brake?

 At the end of this blind curve I get a little fast too quickly and the yellow line, like children
A- I pray that everything goes well ... even though they may be warm to the butt it goes
B Logically it passes, I clench my buttocks, my own this time, and Buddha will do the rest
C I rush, I honk and I put a wicked swerve to avoid Roma Mouflets playing on the road out of school


 Then it was the turn of the dog (who draws the line!)
A- They'll all make me this is not true! If it goes wrong it will eat tonight, must learn to project into the future
B Reminds me of the story of the black cow and quarry, hahaha laughing
C Re-re-horn and swerved also avoiding the left tree


 I can fairly quickly on these 3 trucks
A- I not stop at that, must move forward in life, and it goes bad !!! it's never as trucks
B was made ​​worse and this is my first life, I have seven
C The truck just opposite necessarily seen me! I make a nod to the Medal of Mao on my dashboard

 I reach the 3 trucks
A-Because I'm a hero
B Even the other side does not believe
C J'suis a bit in the middle of the road, I honked and j 'crosses fingers

 Virage, truck, yellow, speed, no visibility
A-All is set for a real overtaking at high risk: Youppie I love it!
B What's the problem? I like défits and everyone already left eh
C My passengers make great "ROHH-la-la," it always amazes foreigners when traveling in free countries (it should not be funny at them if they dare not pass the solid lines in the turns then!)

 By the time it's my turn and I pass the yellow line, I came face to face with cops
A- Arhh kolossal error !! Honeyed smile rigor, tricard not want to be in the sector
B emergency brake, swerve, I pretended that nothing, oh you see the truck up close say so!
C Logically, without cops it happening, I look in the retro genre to "it's not me it's the other behind" ...


 On this 2 lane road, I left
A-We will go to 3 because we are champions
B- others do all the single thought that is good
C Y him not be the Champs Mars with his white van if ?! We can share the road!

 On this 2-way bike path or all lines are continuous
A-They recognized me, they are already on the bike path
B They do not know who they are dealing with, you'll see below
C It easy going, I still honk

 Continued from question 16: I'd tell you, is to be expected while
A-Blow steering wheel, I still pass right by surprise, Right here right now *! for Van Halen fan;) (* here now)
? B- Should always ride on the right nan
C One who honked me can pass on the left, everyone is happy


 I still exceeds the right
A-To better control the safe distance between vehicles
B If there is I do like the cops if I wanted to stop
C I also put a little hoot nice 12 seconds to avoid being Big John as before if the truck were to keep to the right!

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