mardi 26 août 2014

top 10 chinese cities to visit

A long story, and pluralism the conveniences of the everyday
Beijing is not the capital of China, but also the political cultural center, and international trade with China. You could say it is the Chinese town where human resources are focused and richest. Here, people can not only know the various cultural ones, but also China diversity, lead a rich, rainbow life. Great Wall, historical monuments pluralism, and the opening. For foreigners, Beijing was able to harmonize modern and traditional culture, but also had a chance for a quick no-limit growth and change. This town is just a point of meeting in history today and tomorrow.

Internationalization, the opening, fashion and the new
As an economic center, financial, commercial and navigation to Shanghai, China has full benefits in natural resources, cultural and human. Shanghai is the Chinese town where we find the most high-level foreign talents. In 2010, Shanghai could have the world's Fair. Through this opportunity, the city showed the world her beauty and charm and its dynamism. Foreigners qualified this city of modern, “international, open, popular and innovative. And a good line of law and order, the people are nice.

The combination to the oriental style and Westerner
Strangers who were in Tianjin had a particular impression on this town. So this town at the same time is the charm of the Western style and Chinese features.


Special economic zone and the fast évoultion in Shenzhen
As one of the economic special zones Shenzhen, China ever became the most important part of high technology, financial, computer and trade centre in the south of China, as well as a tourist destination of China. “The quick change in Shenzhen” surprised a lot of people.

A gathering of talent and a great development potential
Wuhan is a scientific, educational base important in China. The intellectual resources there are very focused. The city has 59 government academicians, 100 scientific research institutes labs, 22 level of national universities and 79. The area of the new technology from Wuhan Donghu is the second model area of the new independent of national level.

Business and the creation of the company
For foreigners, Guangzhou is a town developed for the business, where the atmosphere of commerce is very present. Guangzhou people are so good, and it is an ideal city in China to do business or to create companies for foreigners.As one of the key Chinese cities in the area of the economy, Guangzhou has several policies support to lure the talents and experts. The city intends to recruit and support 300 leaders of the commercial and mediums innovation in the 5 to 10, by granting to the leaders of business support fund for the creation of companies from 1 to 5 yuan, investment action million to the maximum of 5 million yuan, ready bonus point of maximum one million yuan and free job from 100 to 500 m2. For the leaders of the middle of the innovation, grant Guangzhou expenses of looking for an amount of maximum of 500,000 yuan (2 million yuan for the academicians) offers and set a preference that experts savor the full rights of decision.


Clean, alone, traditional and modern
Suzhou is a cultural city that enough of an international reputation. Since the beginning of time, you give them the name of earthly paradise “” and “” Eastern Venice. His counties Kunshan Zhangjiaguang, Changshu Wujiang Taicang and all are ranked among the first ten places in the prize of the hundred most powerful counties in China. The industrial park of Suzhou is also a leader of national parks in China. Now, the number of experts and administrative including foreign and hong kong and Macau, Taiwan that live in Suzhou reached 51,000.For them, Suzhou is a pleasant place to live and work that has a lot of trees and gardens.

Big city of western China where she makes good things in life
In 2009 Chongqing, threw the project “enforcement measures to Chongqing high-level 100 foreign talents” on purpose to bring to work in the city 100 high-level talents for 5 years. For those who will sign a contract for over 5 years at the company, the government will grant a family grant one million yuan. In 2011, the office of foreign experts from Chongqing allowed 400 permissions from work of foreign experts residing at Chongqing and awarded 515 new cards of foreign experts. Thanks to a relative cost of life and low with a culture of more and more strong consumption, Chongqing is regarded by strangers as the town where he does more good things in life.

Green, quiet and practical city
By evoking Xiamen words, the most mentioned by probed “are green, clean, Chinese features and comfortable transportation.

Prosperity and beauty exist together in the convenience
Hangzhou is the biggest city in the province of Zhejiang. It is also a major city in the south of the delta Yangtsé of the region, the richest in the south of China and political, economic center, cultural and the scientist in Zhejiang province. As a famous historic town and Chinese cultural Hangzhou is called the “first city in the southeast of China.“There is Paradise in heaven. And on earth there is Suzhou and Hangzhou. This famous Chinese expression testified deep appreciation to the old days and days on this beautiful city. According to the investigation, Hangzhou is regarded by strangers as a good town for work and the daily life.

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