mercredi 20 août 2014

Chinese cuisine

We have the chance to find us in Canton whose cuisine is famous and renowned for being the best in China . There are all kinds of animals, although we do not soyions risky test insect , monkeys and other exotic animals (at least not as we know ...).
Chinese meal is very different from what we can see with us Several dishes occupy the table and everyone has the opportunity todraw that good  seems to him, giving a much more user-friendly image at meals.
Chinese meal
It has often hallucinated seeing restaurants filled at any time of day. Quite simply, the Chinese eat all the time !
Chinese meal
You will take back some rice?
It provides dim sum , kinds of pastries stuffed with meat and surrounded by a paste of rice or wheat. Over time the term is increasingly used indiscriminately, but you get the idea.
Dim Sum
Example Dim Sum
The dim sum can be cooked in frying (spring rolls, for example) in the oven (tarts) or the steam .
This is the case of baozi these small bread  filled in different ways. On our side, they can be found in meat ( rou bao ), or red beans (dou sha bao ). They serve small snacks when you have a lunch break ...
Rou bao
Some rou bao
Then there are the jiaozi , a kind of Chinese dumplings stuffed with vegetables and cooked in steam , which eat without hunger. We could also mention the cheung fung (excuse spelling), ie meat (pork, beef or chicken) in rice paste drowned in soy sauce.
Jiaozi, or dumplings Chinese
You should also remember that in most restaurants, Chinese come to occupy the empty seats even if they do not know anyone at the table, eating their soup in 2 minutes flat and go.
Charlene table
Noob wand
Here's a brief overview of Chinese cooking and especially Cantonese , which is frankly much more significant than what we expected ... Now I only have complete control over the handling of chopsticks , but we are on the right track!

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