mercredi 20 août 2014


Chinese company
China today is full of creative energy and commercial vitality. But the determination and the modernism of the people eager for changing also hides a desire to reconcile with the past.
By winning directly as great world power in the twenty-first century, China in fact claims a prominent place in the international community without compromising its rich culturale heritage.
The humiliation experienced by China under the occupation of the West and Japan in the nineteenth and early twentieth still brand spirits. Despite a ruined country and an economy in chaos, the Chinese got up with the arrival of communism . The China gradually rebuilt and the Communist Party relaxes its restrictions. Consequently, the country's GDP experienced an incredible comeback.
Today, the Chinese honor their country for its history, its wars and its successes. But the evolution of growth pushes them to open up to the outside world by adopting the ideas of Western society . In order to better absorb the culture of the West and its evolution in terms of business  , the Chinese people are introduced to English through evening classes. These behavioral changes in lead some to question the loss of basic values ​​of traditional Chinese culture while others want more revolutionary quickly forget the isolation of which China is a victim for many years. A growing number of Chinese now want to be open to new ideas and be respected as global citizens .
That said, the modernization will lead to strong changes. Indeed, the country is experiencing a strong growth of pollution, crime and unemployment. As for the recent wave of enrichment, it leaves behind millions of poor.
Poverty in China
Today, rich disparities / poor are increasingly striking. The social inequality are more important every day and are particularly noteworthy among the inhabitants of large cities and those in rural areas. Some regions with few resources are soon unable to develop their productivity and suffer the brunt of rural exodus . China today accused the largest migration ever known it with millions of rural thus seek work in urban areas, reflecting the arrival of environmental concerns, health and unemployment.
Despite this crisis, China which imports more than half its food productivity has become the third largest food supplier in the world.
Although China is gaining confidence and winning in the international arena, the virtues of traditional Chinese culture resist. The Chinese people clings to family values ​​and dedicates a strong emphasis on morality and making work. Sharing policy nevertheless compromised in part because of birth control and the only child become more selfish. 
Attitudes towards sex and marriage is also changing. Many young Chinese exclude the idea of marriage and are thinking more about their education and career. They prefer a stable job before starting a family. Divorce frowned upon by the Chinese company is reviewed by the young to Westernized values. A synonym for the inevitable collapse of traditional values, and is now fast growing phenomenon especially in megacities of the country .
Chinese family
The Chinese government meanwhile has made ​​this country great economic and military power . However, their main concern remains the fight against inequality and poverty The measures taken (tax decrease and partial allocations for education) did not slow the rural exodus. The agitation farmer grows and the government understands that he must act quickly to avoid more substantial problems.
So China reveals distinct aspects. Let's look at the countryside or city, geographical contrasts and diversity of populations and increasing accentuate inequality.
Despite censorship ever present government and its problems, the Chinese society is becoming more open and exposed to the outside world. The Chinese strongly hope that their country is moving in the direction of a modern nation , accepted and respected worldwide.

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