mercredi 20 août 2014


When you see the fans outdoors is that it's getting good. Currently it's dry, mini 21 ° to 31 ° and a maximum of 37 ° to 44 °, it suits me very well change anything!

China (0)

Umbrellas are on duty and to restore color after black and white and sepia photos, it's perfect
China (1)

The stadium also went for colors but nobody on the track, too hot? So I chose a temple
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In addition to the fan and parasols, for hot that there
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for the temple, an old special hat cobweb, a t-shirt, jeans, and hop a bus, you're sure to stay warm. Glasses as the sun is very strong.
China (4)

Along the way I met specialists whip, but not the small whip clack-clack s'marre is not there it's heavy artillery, a good whip 5kg, 150db, as ... db decibel huh, not armored division
China (5)

Intended size of the links. 5kg according to them and actually 8kg so it's not the biggest!
China (6)

It's been about 4m, they do first turn to the ground before them, taking the speed they rise, then they turn around (the whip is now in their back and both hands on back of the head), there by passing overhead they extend their arms forward and still remènent above the head to produce the explosion. It's worth a shot, if you stay off it gave a little. They do not put ball plugs, nothing ... Imagine below it draws given the position of the legs and the deformation of the right shoe. And it transpires.
China (7)
- Want to try?
- ah bin no, never, thank you!
Slamming is only produced by a piece of webbing at the end of the whip
China (8)

And we arrive at the temple of the god of fire. It's "yesterday" (it's 3am here) Friday, 27 June, the first day of the 6th month of the lunisolar calendar by , yes, because 44 ° is the sixth month to the end spring. Summer is after :)
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A lady telephone hat to the temple gate, you feel a shift in taste between the cap and plastic shoes
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I am often the only man in the temple, the god of fire appears to be a women. Here they fold in a good mood golden shaped paper "bullion" and then burn baskets by integers. Packed around which they sat on stools made in here. It has nothing of a sad ceremony, but rather holiday. This temple opens only 1 and 15 of the local calendar.
Chine (11A)Chine (11B)

The temple was repainted

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 We painted the bottom of the new neighboring buildings of the temple color, good idea.

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Initially I was not party to show you (again) outside of buildings
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but inside. The old portrait of Comrade (you can put " old "two places in that sentence :)) gave way to it, entitled Mao Zedond great man of the century . I feel he has a problem in his eyes the great man of the century, it seems that the right eye is slack. Otherwise it has light (candle) a few yuan and biscuits, nickel.
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Initially I set out to show the interior, statues, etc., but there are already more than 20 photos, then have to come back! To be continued ...
Chine (21A)Chine (21B)

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